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Peer Review How to Deal With Shoulder Injuries

The official publication for eight leading specialty organizations, this authoritative journal is the simply publication to focus exclusively on medical, surgical, and physical techniques for treating injury/illness of the upper extremity, including the shoulder girdle, arm, and elbow.

Clinically oriented and peer-reviewed, the Journal provides an international forum for the commutation of information on new techniques, instruments, and materials. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery features vivid photos, professional person illustrations, and explicit diagrams that demonstrate surgical approaches and depict implant devices. Topics covered include fractures, dislocations, diseases and injuries of the rotator cuff, imaging techniques, arthritis, arthroscopy, arthroplasty, and rehabilitation.

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We also provide many author benefits, such as gratuitous PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more than data on our author services.

Delight run into our Guide for Authors for data on article submission. If y'all crave any further data or assist, please visit our Back up Center

Authors are besides welcome to submit to Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery'southward open access companion championship, JSES International or its companion championship Seminars in Arthroplasty: JSES.


The Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery is a scientific medical periodical containing data relative to the investigation of the development, preservation, and restoration of the form and function of the shoulder girdle, arm, elbow, and associated structures by medical, surgical, and concrete means.

The objectives of the Journal are to enhance the professional study and exercise of shoulder and elbow surgery, to act as a stimulant to research past providing a forum for discussion of new scientific advances, and to further international cooperation among shoulder and elbow societies by serving every bit an official publication for recognized societies.

To accomplish these goals, the Journal accepts for publication original articles, descriptions of surgical and other patient care techniques, case reports, historical and current reviews, editorials, comments on published material, and announcements or proceedings of participating societies.

The Journal requires at least a two-yr follow-up for all patients enrolled in clinical treatment studies. Exceptions at the editor's discretion volition be immune when studies are stopped due to agin events, or other pregnant or important differences are detected earlier the 2-year minimum follow-up is reached (e.g. studies of fracture where union is the consequence measure out of interest), or for certain case reports.

All manuscripts which deal with the written report of homo subjects must be accompanied by Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Ethical Committee Blessing, or the national or regional equivalent in your geographic surface area. The name of the Board or Committee giving blessing and the report number assigned must accompany the submission, preferably by a scanned copy of the IRB or Ethical Committee Approval uploaded to the submission.

All manuscripts which deal with brute subjects must be canonical by an Institutional Review Board (IRB), Ethical Commission, or an Animal Utilization Written report Commission, and this statement, and approving number, must accompany the submission, preferably by a scanned copy of the IRB or Upstanding Commission Approval uploaded to the submission. The manuscript should contain data near any post-operative care and pain management for the animals.

Materials are accepted for sectional publication in the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, and published manuscripts along with their illustrations get the property of the Journal. Permission to reproduce material published in the Journal must be obtained from the publisher. Authors will also exist consulted, when possible, in regard to republication of their material.

Statements and opinions expressed in the articles and communications herein are those of the writer(due south) and not necessarily those of the Editor(due south) and publisher, and the Editor(s) and publisher disclaim whatsoever responsibleness or liability for such material. Neither the Editor(s) nor the publisher guarantees, warrants, or endorses any product or service advertised in this publication and, they practise not guarantee any claim fabricated by the manufacturer of such product or service.

As of 2020, the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery has expanded their journal offerings to a JSES Family of Journals. These at present include the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, JSES International, Seminars in Arthroplasty: JSES, and JSES Reviews, Reports, and Techniques.

Because of the large number of submissions received by JSES, many manufactures will exist re-directed to the subsidiary journals for possible publication. Specific types of articles that are targeted to the other journals include, only are not limited to, the following: JSES International — validation of event instruments in languages other than English, database-mining articles, articles dealing with patient populations or sports specific to sure international regions or nations. Seminars in Arthroplasty: JSES — articles on arthroplasty of the shoulder and elbow, bones science studies on shoulder and elbow arthroplasty topics, review manufactures on shoulder and elbow arthroplasty. JSES Reviews, Reports, and Technique — review articles, especially narrative reviews and database-mining articles, case reports or small example series, technique articles.

JSES International is an open access periodical with an open up access publication fee that must be paid by the authors or their inquiry funders. Submission to JSES International is free of charge; nonetheless, if the paper is accustomed for publication in JSES International, the open access publication fee will exist charged. Fees at this fourth dimension volition be $ane,250 (US) for original review manufactures, and $895 (Usa) for case reports or technical notes. The open access fee is all inclusive; Elsevier will not add any additional charges. Depending on local regulations VAT may be charged by local authorities.

Seminars in Arthroplasty: JSES is a subscription periodical with no publication fee to authors. If so desired past the authors or their funding sources, authors practice accept a hybrid option in which they may pay an open up access publication fee and take their article published as open access.

JSES Reviews, Reports, and Techniques (JSES RRT) is an open up access periodical with an open up access publication fee that must exist paid by the authors or their research funders. Submission to the journal is free of accuse; nevertheless, if the paper is accepted for publication in JSES RRT, the open access publication fee volition charged. Fees at this time volition exist $one,250 (US) for original review articles, and $895 (US) for case reports or technical notes. The open up access fee is all inclusive; Elsevier will non add whatsoever additional charges. Depending on local regulations VAT tin be charged by local government.

Download the checklist provided here to confirm your manuscript meets journal submission requirements.

Manuscripts and all other communications for the Editor(south) must be written in English. Submission of the materials in the right format will expedite the review procedure and prevent unnecessary delay in publication.

For authors whose master language is not English, we urge y'all to consider a language review of your manuscript past a primary English language speaker prior to submission to the periodical. There are also now several such services available via the Internet which will review your newspaper, and ameliorate the English grammar and syntax.

Authors must submit new manuscripts and all related documentation electronically via Editorial Managing director (EM) at https://world wide

On receipt of the manuscript or other materials, peer review will be performed past an Editor and usually 2 boosted reviewers. Should the material crave revision, authors are requested to complete and submit revisions within three months.

Levels of Evidence: Although this will be reviewed past our Editorial Staff, and their opinion volition exist concluding, the Journal asks authors to assign a Level of Evidence to all clinically oriented manuscripts. The following table is offered to assist authors:


Handling Studies investigate the results of handling on patient outcomes and complications.

Prognosis Studies investigate the natural history of a disease or disorder, and evaluate the effect of a patient characteristic on the event of the disease.

Diagnostic Studies evaluate the effectiveness of a diagnostic test or outcome assessment.

Economical/Decision Analysis or Modeling Studies explore costs and alternatives or may either develop or appraise the effectiveness of decision models.

Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses are assigned a Level of Evidence equivalent to the lowest level of evidence used from the manuscripts analyzed.

Prospective Study-Defined is a study in which the inquiry question was developed, (and the statistical analysis for determining power) were developed earlier data was collected.

Retrospective Study-Defined is a study in which the inquiry question was determined after the data was collected (fifty-fifty for studies where the authors collected general data prospectively).

Cover Alphabetic character
It is essential that the submission be accompanied by two comprehend letters. The start letter must include information on prior or duplicate submission or publication elsewhere of any part of the work including details of any presentation of the study as an abstract at a professional person coming together, a statement that the manuscript has been read and approved by all authors, and a argument that each author believes that the manuscript represents honest piece of work. All manuscripts volition be checked by an internet-based algorithmic searching method to check for possible duplication of previously published work.

This commencement letter also should identify the name, mailing accost, e-mail address and telephone number of the author responsible for all future correspondence regarding the manuscript.

The second cover letter, the conflict of involvement (CoI) statement, must deal with disclosures and must be signed and dated by all authors. This 2nd cover alphabetic character must also be submitted online during the article submission procedure. Individual CoI statements may too be uploaded. All CoI statements should be in a pdf format.

This 2d letter must start list any conflicts of involvement for the authors, their immediate families, and any inquiry foundation with which they are affiliated, including receiving royalties, stock or stock options, consultant agreements, or buying from or with any commercial entity related to the subject of this work. This information must exist described for all authors listed on the title page, and should be provided in the class of a list of the authors. If no such conflict of involvement exists for an author, please state the following afterward the authors' name: "This author, their firsthand family unit, and any research foundation with which they are affiliated did not receive any financial payments or other benefits from whatsoever commercial entity related to the bailiwick of this article."

This 2d letter must so list any outside funding or grants received that assisted in this report, the proper noun of the source providing the funding, and the grant number. If any outside funding or grant was received, it should exist described if the exterior source of funds was involved in data collection, data analysis, or the preparation of or editing of the manuscript.

Appropriate consents, permissions and releases must be obtained where authors wish to include case details or other personal information or images of patients and whatsoever other individuals in their JSES submission. It is generally not sufficient to anonymise a photo only past using middle bars or blurring the confront of the individual concerned. Consent documents should be uploaded in the document category Figure Permissions, thus Not seen by reviewers and NOT unblinding your submission.

Institutional Review Board Documentation
A re-create of your approved Institutional Review Lath document(s) must be uploaded with your manuscript submission. IRB(s) must cover all patients in your study. Exist sure that the proper noun of the authority granting approval and the report number are listed on your Title Page.

The Periodical adheres to the "Compatible Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (the Vancouver style) developed past the International Commission of Medical Journal Editors every bit described in the Journal of the American Medical Association (1993;269:2282-6) (also may exist retrieved at, with the exception that the references must be placed in alphabetic lodge past author(due south) name, numbered sequentially, and appear as superscript numbers in the text but without brackets (meet department on "References").

Formatting Manuscripts: The Journal suggests that authors follow these guidelines when writing and formatting their piece of work:

Randomized controlled trials should follow the CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) guidelines (

Case reports, case series, cantankerous-exclusive and other observational studies should follow the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology) guidelines (http://world wide If the detailed methods are explicitly stated in the manuscript for single case studies, STROBE is non needed.

Authors producing systematic reviews and meta-analyses should follow the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines (

Blazon the manuscript with margins of at least 25 mm (1 inch). Apply double-line spacing throughout the unabridged manuscript, typing in Times New Roman font size 12, and include continuous line numbering. Please utilize Insert Page Pause and begin each of the post-obit sections on a new page: Abstruse; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion; Decision; References; and Figure and Table Legends. Figures and Tables should be uploaded separately and individually (see below). Identify a six-word short-course/running title in the header infinite of the manuscript document. The manuscript file must be in a Word format.

Word Count
Submissions of review and original articles (including abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and decision) should have a maximum word count of four,750; submissions which exceed this limit will be returned to the author for further revision without being reviewed. Example reports should non exceed 2,250 words.

Review Articles
The Journal has limited space to publish numerous review articles and these are usually solicited by the Review Commodity and Special Projects Editors. Authors because submission of a review article are encouraged to read "What is the value of a systematic review? (J Shoulder Elbow Surg 23:ane-2, 2014," to critically evaluate whether their submission may exist suitable for publication in the Periodical. If yous believe yous have a Review Commodity that may be acceptable for publication in the Journal, please contact the Review and Special Projects Editor via outlining your proposed commodity.

Title Page
The title folio should include a concise but informative championship of the article, plus a six-discussion short-form/running-championship, and the first proper noun, middle initial, and last name forth with the academic qualifications (e.g., MD, or Doc PhD, etc) of each author. The title folio should too include the name of the section and the institution to which each author's piece of work should be attributed. The name, postal mailing address, and e-mail accost of the author responsible for correspondence should be identified, as should any source of support in the class of grants, equipment, or other items. The title page file must be in a Word format.

Disclaimer: Listing here (on the title folio) whatever financial remuneration the authors, or any member of their family, may have received related to the subject of the article. If no such financial biases exist for any author, state "none". Please also include data about Institutional Review Board (IRB) or Ethical Committee approval related to the written report, including the name of the IRB providing approval and the study number.

Please also include on your championship page Acknowledgments of those who take contributed to the newspaper merely whose contributions do not justify authorship. They may be named and their contribution described. Such persons must have given their permission to be so named, because readers may infer their endorsement of the data and the conclusions reached. Technical aid may as well exist acknowledged.

Upload the title folio on the EM system equally Championship Page. Do not include the above information in your manuscript text which for review purposes should be blinded.

The get-go text page of observational and experimental articles and review articles should be an abstract of no more than 400 words. This abstract should country the purpose of the report, basic procedures, essential findings, and principal conclusions, and should be formatted into: Hypothesis and/or Background; Methods; Results; and Discussion and/or Determination. The abstract should emphasize new and important aspects of the ascertainment or report, but may not contain data that are not presented in the main text.

Case reports do not require an abstract and are published without abstracts.

For total research articles, include the Level of Evidence of the study performed (run into above) and Keywords at the finish of the abstract. The authors should assign their ain Level of Prove although this will be reviewed by the Journal'south Editorial Staff and should also listing half-dozen-eight Keywords that highlight the topic of the article, allowing for easier electronic retrieval.

Manuscript Text
The text of observational and experimental articles is divided into 5 sections with the headings: Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Word; and, Conclusions. Each section should start on a new page. Longer articles may need subheadings inside headings to clarify their content. Other articles, such as reviews, case reports and editorials need not take the grade of manuscripts describing observational or experimental studies. A example report should include Keywords at the cease of the Introduction.

All manuscript texts should exist blinded for review purposes. Blind establish location, author initials and references past same authors. To bullheaded an detail, utilise Black Text Highlight Color to black-out the text.

Introduction. The purpose of the commodity should be stated and the rationale for the study or ascertainment summarized. Pertinent references should exist given, but the discipline should non exist reviewed extensively.

Materials and Methods. Clearly describe the selection of the observational or experimental subject(due south). Identify the methods, appliance, and procedures in sufficient detail to allow others to reproduce the results. Give references to established methods, including statistical methods. Place precisely all devices or drugs used, including generic names, manufacturers, and manufacturer locations.

Give numbers of observations. Report any losses to observation. Provide details about randomization. Depict statistical methods in enough detail to enable a knowledgeable reader who has admission to the original data to verify reported results. Avert sole reliance on statistical hypothesis testing, such as the use of P values, which might neglect to convey important quantitative data. Avoid nontechnical uses of technical terms in statistics, such as random or significant. All recent clinical studies should exist performed with Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, and confirmation of IRB blessing should exist given in this department.

In general, verbal P values or statistical measures should be given, rather than, e.g., p < 0.05. Please likewise remember the proper utilise of significant figures and practice not overuse actress decimal places, taken every bit an average, which may imply a degree of precision which does non be in the work.

Results. Results should be presented in a logical sequence in the text, illustrations and/or tables. Exercise non echo in the text the data presented in tables and illustrations, only emphasize or summarize the important observations. For reports on reconstructive procedures, a minimum 2-yr evaluation period is recommended.

Discussion. New and important aspects of the written report should be emphasized, and conclusions that follow from them should exist fabricated. Information technology is non desirable to repeat the data or fabric given in other sections of the manuscript. The discussion should describe the implications of the findings and their limitations, including suggested future research needs. The observations can be related to relevant studies. Unqualified statements and conclusions incompletely supported by the data should exist avoided. Recommendations may exist included.

Conclusions. A brusk final paragraph summarizing the hypothesis and reason for the study and its results should exist included.

The Reference List should be in alphabetical society by authors' last name, in double-line spacing, and numbered sequentially. At the terminate of each reference, please include the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) ( or ISBN number for all references dating from 2002 to today. References with identical author(s) should exist listed by youngest first. If at that place is more than one reference with the same showtime writer, use iind, threerd author etc to determine the alphabetical guild. When a reference commendation has six or fewer authors, list all the authors; when at that place are 7 or more authors, list the first 6 then "et al." Identify references in the text, tables, and illustration legends by superscript Arabic numerals without brackets. References must conform to Vancouver fashion. Abridge titles of journals according to the fashion used in PubMed.

Examples of the correct forms of references are provided below:
Periodical commodity: 1. Richards RS, Coil LA, Moorman CT, Mallon WJ. Sterile synovio-cutaneous fistula: A potential complication of repair of large and massive rotator cuff tears. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 2006;fifteen:436-439. doi:10.1016/j.jse.2005.03.008
Book chapter: two. Zarins B, Prodromos CC. Shoulder injuries in sports. In: Rowe CR, editor. The shoulder. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1988. p. 411-33. (ISBN No. 978-0443084577)

Illustrations and Legends
Each figure should be uploaded as a carve up file. For photographic images upload your images in a standard acceptable digital format (e.g., *.tif or *.jpg). For line illustrations, apply thick, solid lines and assuming, solid blazon; avert the utilise of shading or dotted patterns. For more detailed information on preparing your figures for submission, please visit: https://world wide

Messages, numbers, and symbols should be clear and of sufficient size that when reduced for publication each will be legible. Figures should exist numbered in the order of their mention in the text and the number included in the Description box. Title and explanations of figures (and tables) belong on a dedicated legends page post-obit the reference list in the manuscript, and not on the illustrations themselves. If a figure has been taken from previously copyrighted material, the legend must give full credit to the original source (come across below).

Figure/Photograph Permissions: Photographs in which a person's face is recognizable must exist accompanied by a letter of release from that person explicitly granting permission for publication in the Periodical. X-rays should NOT testify patient'south proper noun. For any previously published material, authors must obtain written permission for both print and electronic reprint rights from the copyright holder / publisher. This is necessary even if you are an writer of the borrowed material. Permission messages must and so be uploaded as part of the submission process or the writer must state in an uploaded certificate that the permission has been requested and provide an approximate date when the permission is expected to exist received. Authors are also responsible for paying any fees required by copyright holders to reprint material.

Each table should exist uploaded every bit an individual Table certificate separate from the manuscript. Tables should be uploaded in a format that can exist edited, preferably .doc or .docx. Tables should exist cocky-explanatory and numbered in Roman numerals. They should be mentioned in numerical guild through the text. Table Legends (and figure legends) should exist listed on a dedicated page of the manuscript text that follows the reference list. Abbreviations should be defined in a footnote at the cease of the table. If any material in a table or a table itself has been taken from previously copyrighted material, a footnote must requite full credit to the original source and permission of the author and publisher must be obtained. Include letters of permission as a supplemental file to the submission.

Large Data
Authors are requested to upload their full databases of studies, both clinical and basic science, as Supplemental Files. This information should exist both blinded and anonymized. At nowadays this is not mandatory, but recommended. Delight use standard file types. Supplemental Files are published online as a link; the JSES print edition includes details of links.

Instructions for Submitting Videos
The Journal encourages authors to submit a video to be published on the Journal's spider web site at as an illustration incorporated in an article that the author is submitting for publication or as video paired with a journal cover illustration. All videos are subject to peer review. We expect professional person quality and narration, regardless of method of production. A sound rail is highly desirable and is requested.

These formats for video will be accepted
• MPEG-ane or MPEG-2 (.mpg)
• QuickTime (.mov)
The Journal will not edit any video, just a reviewer may propose that the writer make changes.


  • Include in your CoI statement (second embrace letter) a argument confirming that the video is part of your submission and has been viewed by all authors.
  • Submit a unmarried video per manuscript, non multi-role videos.
  • Maximum length of videos is 4.5 minutes.
  • Video file cannot exceed 50 MB. The submission program will fourth dimension out if the file size is larger than 50 MB.
  • Delight ZIP the file and upload the zipped file to hasten the upload fourth dimension.
  • A complete legend for the video must be included in the manuscript.
  • The video must be cited in the text of your manuscript just similar a figure.

Units of Measurement
Measurements of height, length, weight, or volume should be reported in metric units. Temperatures should be given in degrees Celsius; claret pressures should exist given in millimeters of mercury. All laboratory measurements should exist reported in the metric system.

Only standard abbreviations should be used, and abbreviations should be avoided in the title or abstract. The full term for an abridgement should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.

Letters to the Editor should be sent to the Editor-in-Primary of the Journal via the EM system post-obit the guidelines for all other submissions. Letters should be no longer than two pages in length. Messages should be signed by all authors and business organization merely articles that take been published recently in the Periodical of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. A response to the letter of the alphabet will exist requested from the author of the article in question, and both the letter and response will be published together if there is a response.

Announcements of participating society activities must be received at least x weeks before the desired consequence of publication. Send announcements to the office of the Editor-in-Chief.

Unmarried reprints of manufactures must exist obtained from the author. Reprint lodge forms will be sent to authors after articles are slated for publication in a specific issue.

December 2021new tape


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